124 The Essex Naturalist TQ(51)48 ?????? 18 Near Barking, 20 June 1883. Collected hy Edward Forster & William R.Linton, Comment hy Arthur Bennett "approaching gymnophylla". Natural History Museum Herbarium (BM). Atlas Specimen No.1233. TQ(51)49 426,918 18 Woodford Bridge, pond on the Green, August 1977. Coll: 6k det: K.J.Adams. 486,919 18 Just south of Hainault Forest, small pond in middle of scrubby pasture, mostly var. longibracteata, hut grading into this variety, with Ranunculus aquatilis s.s. 12 May 1988. Coll: & det: K.J.Adams. TL(52)40 447,011 18 Pond south-west of Epping, hy main road, 10 June 1932. Herbert K.Airy Shaw & Francis W.Simpson. Natural History Museum Herbarium (BM). Atlas Specimen No. 1235. (assumed to he the large pond on Bell Common). TL(52)41 490,185 19 Thorley Flood Pound, abundant in temporary pools, typical var. vulgaris, 1 Sept. 1985. Coll: John L.Fielding, det: K.J.Adams. 490,184 19 Thorley Flood Pound, abundant in shallow pond, antheridia and oogonia present, 17 July 1993. Coll: 6k det: Tim Pyner. TQ(51)57 ??????? 18 Thurrock, pond in old chalk pit, 1965. Coll: & det: Eric Saunders. Flora of Essex, p.45. 1974. TQ(51)59 58,99 18 Doddinghurst, near Brentwood, old pond near Doddinghurst Farm, Sept. 1894. William Allen. Specimen confirmed by Arthur Bennett. Essex Naturalist. 10, p. 190. 1897-8. TL(52 )51 54?, 19? 19 Hatfield Forest Lake, with C. hispida and C. globularis (as C. fragilis), 10 October 1890. W. Crouch. Essex Naturalist. 4. p.223. 1890. 54,19 19 Hatfield Forest Lake, 1965. Coll: & det: Eric Saunders. Flora of Essex, p.45. 1974. 539,196 19 Hatfield Forest, decoy lake, abundant, in shallows & on west side with C. hispida and C. globularis, on 540,196 19 chalky boulder clay substrate, heavily encrusted, 20 October 1985. Coll: 6k det: K.J.Adams. Still abundant, same site with C. hispida and C. vulgaris var. longibracteata, but no sign of C. globularis. 24 Sept. 1989. K.J. Adams. TL(52)53 ??????? 19 Widdington, "ditches 6k slow streams", July 1840. George S.Gibson. Specimen in Saffron Walden Museum Herbarium (SWN).