The Essex Naturalist 127 TQ(51)38 352,871 18 Walthamstow Marshes, small colony in new one- year-old ditch with Elodea nuttallii, rather tatty but fertile, antheridia and oogonia present. Reported by Brian Wurzell. Coll: and det: 1 Dec. 1986. K.J.Adams. 349,879 18 Walthamstow marshes, plentiful, drainage ditch, 1 August 1987, Brian Wurzell and K.J.Adams. TQ(51)49 426,918 18 Pond on the green, Woodford Bridge, almost choking the pond, bracts & bracteoles very long, apices of branches ecorticate, spine cells minute, plants fertile and very large. 5 October 1985. Coll : & det: K.J.Adams. 486,919 18 Small pond in scrubby pasture just south of Hainault Forest, fertile, small spine cells, grading into var. vulgaris. Abundant, dominant, with Myriophyllum spicatum and Ranunculus aquatilis s.s. 12 May 1988. Coll: & det: K.J. Adams. TL(52)40 447,011 18 Bell Common Main Pond, Epping Forest, abundant in shallows of the recently dredged (1991) pond, with immature antheridia and oogonia, 25 April. 1992. Coll: & det: K.J.Adams. 479,086 19 Harlow Common New Pond, in the shallows, north side. Antheridia and oogonia present on old plants, numerous young plants. 1 Oct 1987. Coll: & det: K.J.Adams. TL(52)42 468,241 19 Farnham pond. 1996. Shirley Watson. TL(51)59 517,917 18 Romford, Bedford's Park Lake, in quantity in the shallows, very long bract cells, antheridia and oogonia present; with Ranunculus circinatus, Potamogeton crispus and Ceratophyllum demersum, 4 July 1987, Coll: & det: K.J.Adams.' TL(52)50 5840,0368 18 High Ongar, new, steep-sided one-year-old pond in raw Chalky Boulder Clay, on south side of A414 newly constructed to replace old pond destroyed by road widening. Opposite drive to Chevers Hall. Plentiful, with very long bract cells and ecorticate apices, fruiting abundantly. 19 June 1986. Coll: & det: K.J.Adams. ditto, by 23 Nov. 1986, yellowish and dying, being replaced by fresh growth of C. vulgaris var. papillata. Coll: & det: K.J.Adams. ditto, by 29 June 1987, pond full of var. longibracteata only again, rather encrusted. K.J.Adams.