128 The Essex Naturalist TL(52)51 539,196 19 TL(52)52 552,215 19 535,233 19 TQ(51)67 65,75 18 TL(52)61 616,121 19 TL(52)62 601,240 19 TL(52)63 695,316 19 TL(52)71 707,195 19 ditto, hy 28 Sept. 1987 no sign of any charophytes at all. K.J.Adams. Hatfield Forest, decoy lake, abundant in shallows on west side in patches with C. vulgaris var. vulgaris and C. hispida, c.fr. 24 September 1989. Coll: & det: K.J.Adams. Stanstead Airport balancing ponds. July 1988. Shirley Watson. Burton End, Stansted, roadside pond. 1996 Shirley Watson. Tilbury Energy & Environment Centre. October 1989, Coll: Janet Millington, det: Nicholas F. Stewart. Good Easter, temporary hollow in old marshy pasture, plants high and dry hut still moist. Very fertile and clearly monoecious. 12 June 1982. Coll: & det: K.J.Adams. Lt. Easton, new agricultural reservoir in Chalky Boulder Clay, a few tatty scrapsof last year's plants retrieved on grapnel with Potamogeton pusillus, 24 September 1988. Tim Pyner, Charles Watson & K.J.Adams. Finchingfield, Daw Street, in shallows of farm reservoir, antheridia and oogonia present, plus well developed spine cells. 16 July 1997. Coll: &. det: Jeremy Ison. Lodge Lake, agricultural reservoir, east of Leez Priory. In massive rafts in the shallows all along the shore line, fruiting abundantly and beginning to disintegrare. Very long bract cells. Growing with Tolypella glomerata and Potamogeton pectinatus along the eastern end of the north shore. 19 July 1986. Coll: &. det: K.J.Adams. ditto, still present, August 1991, Tim Pyner, (but no Tolypella). Rayne, shallow ditch near Stamford Farm, 1959. Coll: & det: K.J.Adams, reported in: Flora of Essex. p45. 1974. Sible Hedingham, Broak's Wood, recently cleared out pond, 16 May 1991, Coll: & det: Jeremy Ison. Sible Hedingham, Broak's Wood, small pond by the car park, sterile, 20 May 1995. Coll: & det: Tim Pyner. TL(52)72 733,214 19 TL(52)73 787,315 19 786,314 19