The Essex Naturalist 131 TL(52)63 620,330 19 Centre of West Wood, Lt.Sampford, November 1977. Coll: Robert J.Turner, det: K.J.Adams. 6c Chara hispida var. major (Hartm.) R.D.Wood This, the largest of the C. hispida aggregate and the largest European species of Chara, is apparently rare in the Essex, and is only known to have persisted in the lake at Hatfield Forest, where it has been noted at intervals since c.1820. It re- appeared in 1985 growing amongst considerable quantities of discarded, green nylon fishing line, that had accummulated in the decoy cut-off since it was enlarged, and since a pristine Chalky Boulder Clay bottom was exposed for it to colonise. As this robust species often occurs in large bodies of water elsewhere, we may be overlooking it in some of our larger fishing lakes and reservoirs on the Chalky Boulder Clay. TQ(51)49 409,965 18 Fairmead Bomb Crater, CH. Selby "Some Aspects of Dispersal & Succession in some Epping Forest Ponds" London Nat. 34: 1954. (No specimen traced, only doubt is possibility of it being mistaken for Chara vulgaris var. papillata unless checked microscopically). TL(52)51 54,19 19 Hatfield Forest Lake, 'very large and abundant', c. 1820. George S.Gibson. Flora of Essex, p.407. 1862. 54,19 19 Hatfield Forest Lake, with C. globularis (as C. fragilis) and C. vulgaris, 10 Oct. 1890. W.Crouch. Essex Naturalist. 4. p.223. 1890. 54,19 19 Hatfield Forest Lake, 1965. Coll: & det: Eric Saunders. Flora of Essex, p.45. 1974. 540,196 19 Hatfield Forest, decoy lake, scattered plants, heavily encrusted, sloping shelf of west side, chalky boulder clay substrate, with C. globularis and C. vulgaris var. vulgaris, 20 Oct. 1985. Coll: & det: K.J.Adams. ditto, a few plants still present with C. vulgaris var. vulgaris and var. longibracteata. 24 Sept. 1989 & 1990. K.J.Adams. TL(52)53 525,382 19 Walden Park, in pond, c.1850. George S.Gibson. Flora of Essex, p.407.1862. TL(52)81 ??????? 19 Inworth, c.1850. Dr Ezekiel G. Varenne. Flora of Essex, p.407. 1862. TL(52)82 UUP.! 19 Bradwell Common, 'in some water', 1820. Edward Forster. Ex. Herbarium of Edward Forster. Natural History Museum Herbarium (BM). Atlas Specimen No.890.