132 The Essex Naturalist 8a Chara globularis Thuill, var. globularis (=C. fragilis) This taxon is quite common and widely distributed in Essex ponds and can withstand quite high levels of nutrient enrichment. The form most frequently encountered having small oval spine cells but no projecting spines, and usually two circlets of tiny globular stipulodes. It is usually a neat, C. vulgata-sized plant that can be very attractive when festooned with green oogonia and orange antheridia. It is separated from var. virgata, rather empirically, on whether or not its primary and secondary cortical rows are equally developed, the latter variety having more prominant primary rows. Other characters are variable, but var. globularis usually has internodes longer than the branchlets, whereas virgata has them more or less equal, and is a smaller, more delicate plant of waters with a low nutient status. TQ(51)38 ???????? 18 Walthamstow, ponds, 1923. Paul W. Richards. London Naturalist. A Handlist of Plants of the London Area. Part vii. p.333. 1957. ???????? 18 Leytonstone, muddy pool, 16 August 1958. Coll: & det: Bruce Ing. ???????? 18 Leyton Marshes, silted-up crater pond. 20 September. 1957. Coll: & det: Bruce Ing. TQ(51)48 ???????? 18 Epping Forest, coll: Eyre de Crespigny, 1883. Comment: Henry & James Groves: "approaching var. capillacea" Botanical Exchange Club Report for 1883. p.98. 1885. 40,87 18 Wanstead Park, (as var. capillacea (Thuill.) Zanev.), in lake, 1964. Coll: & det: Eric Saunders. Flora of Essex p.45. 1974. TQ(51)49 ???????? 18 Loughton, in a pool, 7 June 1882, Henry Groves. Natural History Museum Herbarium (BM). Atlas Specimen No:824. TL(52)50 564,047 19 Shelley, large pond on Rhone-Poulenc-Rorer estate, huge matted rafts covering much of the floor of the pond, clearly monoecious, spine cells and stipules very rudimentary. 5 July 1997. Coll: & det: K.J.Adams et EFC TL(52)50 5858,0368 18 High Ongar, small pond, one of two excavated in 1985 to replace ponds destroyed by widening of the A414. Steep-sided, raw boulder clay, scattered patches in deep water, oogonia present, conforming to the old var. capillacea.With Lagarosiphon majus and Callitriche stagnalis. 23 Nov. 1986. Coll: & det: K.J.Adams. TL(52)51 54,19 19 Hatfield Forest, in the lake, with C. hispida and C. vulgaris, 10 Oct. 1890. W.Crouch. Essex Naturalist. 4. p.223. 1890.