The Essex Naturalist 133 540,196 19 Hatfield Forest, decoy lake, scattered plants, sloping shelf on west side, with C. hispida and C. vulgaris var. vulgaris. 20 Oct. 1985. Coll: & det: K.J.Adams. TL(52)52 596,245 19 Easton Lodge, lake, c.1965. Coll: S.T.Jermyn, det: Eric Saunders. Flora of Essex, p.45. 1974. 71(52)60 630,085 18 Roxwell, Skreens Park Farm, pond in field, with Potamogeton trichodes, sterile, 24 July 1997. Coll: Martin Heyward, det: K.J.Adams. TL(52)61 602,157 19 Athorpe Roding, roadside duckpond north side of road by Yeomans, 1974, reported by John L. Fielding, coll: & det: K.J.Adams. TQ(51)78 737,865 18 Watt Tyler Country Park, small recently dug pond, with Alisma lanceolata, antheridia and oogonia present. 1 August 1986. Coll: Roger Payne, det: Tim Pyner. Pickled material in Southend Central Museum Herbarium (STD). TL(52)73 790,309 19 Sible Hedingham, Break's Wood, in small pond on south side of Pods Lane, 790,310 20 May 1995. Coll: & det: Tim Pyner et EFC. TQ(51)79 704,901 18 Aquatel lake, Basildon, 21 August 1987. Coll. and det: Tim Pyner. Pickled specimen in Southend Central Museum Herbarium (STD). TL(52)81 ???????? 19 Kelvedon, c. 1850, as Chara fragilis, Dr Ezekiel G.Varenne. Flora of Essex, p.407.1862. ???????? 19 Kelvedon, in pool, June 1878. Henry Groves. Natural History Museum Herbarium (BM). Atlas Specimen No. 825. TL(52)83 ???????? 19 Little Maplestead, in pond, 17 July 1913. Coll: George C.Brown, confirmed Henry Groves. Natural History Museum Herbarium (BM). Atlas Specimen No. 826. Also Botanical Exchange Club. Report. 5. p.262. 1917. TQ(51)98 928,861 18 In pond by North Shoebury Church, in dense mats choking pond, reported by John F.Skinner. Coll: and det: by K.J.Adams, 23 June 1981. Pickled material in Southend Central Museum Herbarium (STD). TQ(51)99 952,982 18 Southminster, in ditch crossing old gravel pit west of Ratsborough Farm. Several dense patches with Potamogeton natans and Lemna minor. 27 Sept. 1987. Coll: & det: Tim Pyner.