The Essex Naturalist 135 dioecious form is said to be smaller overall with denser heads, to be a darker, brownish-green, to have mucronate as opposed to tapering dactyl apices, a larger antheridum 650-775mm (as opposed to 500-625mm) but a smaller oospore at 375- 425mm as opposed to 500-575mm for flexilis (Groves & Bullock-Webster, 1920). In recent years the monoecious form seems to have been encountered most often in the county. As it tends to over-winter, producing antheridia in the spring, and oogonia in the summer (Allen, 1950), some of the Essex records of the dioecious form may be in error. The dioecious form was formerly regarded as a separate species, N. opaca, but the type specimen has been shown to be monoecious, leaving us without a legitimate name. Moore, 1986 having found difficulty in being sure of the oecy of numerous, either sterile or apparent single sex specimens, suggests that all records, of, for the time being, an aggregate N. flexilis sensu lata, should note the presence/absence of antheridia/oogonia and the shape of the dactyl apices. No doubt, in years to come, a simple DNA test will become available to sort out the two forms, and it will become easier to correlate any morphological characters. TQ(51)49/ ?????? 18/19 Epping Forest, (as N. opaca), vague record, c.1850. or Edward Forster. TL(52)40 Natural History Museum Herbarium (BM). Atlas Specimen No. 1780.TQ(51)38 ?????? 18 Epping Forest, pool near Snaresbrook, a rather small form growing in dense masses. 13 May 1882. Four specimens in Natural History Museum Herbarium (BM). Atlas Specimen No.1597. TQ(51)39 ?????? 18 Chingford, (as N. opaca), 3 May 1884. H.G.Slatpole. Natural History Museum Herbarium (BM). Atlas Specimen No. 1779. 39 ,92 18 Epping Forest, "in the Forest", Prospect House, Woodford Wells, c. 1840. Edward Forster. Natural History Museum Herbarium (BM). Atlas Specimen No. 1598. TQ(51)49 ??????? 18 Woodford, 16 June 1877. Henry Groves. Botanical Exchange Club Report. 1. p.11. 1877-78. Also three specimens Natural History Museum Herbarium (BM). Atlas Specimen No. 1599. 424,975 18 Epping Forest, Baldwins Pond, 12 April 1959. Goll: Bernard T. Ward, det:? by Eric Saunders. Essex 'Naturalist. 30. p.284. 1960. 415,967 18 Epping Forest, Earl's Path Pond, very abundant in dense mats with Utricularia neglecta and Eleogiton fluitans, pond cleaned out in 1976, bare gravel bottom, (clearly monoecious). July 1981. Coll: & det: K.I.Adams.