136 The Essex Naturalist ditto, still there March 1984. K.J. Adams. Pickled material deposited in Natural History Museum Herbarium (BM). Specimen Spirit No. L252. ditto, still there 5 May 1986, antheridia only, grown on indoors and both antheridia and oogonia present by 26 May. K.J.Adams. ditto, still present, sterile. 6 March 1988. K.J.Adams. 418,984 18 Epping Forrest, Little Wake Valley Pond East, 9 May 1894, Coll: W.P. Hiern, conf: Nicholas Stewart. Exeter Herbarium (RAMM). 418,984 18 Epping Forest, V2 Rocket Crater Pond, Wake Valley, Sept. 1978. 418,984 18 Little Wake Valley Pond West, antheridia and oogonia present, 8 May 1988. Coll: & det: K.J.Adams et al. 420,987 18 Wake Valley Pond, scattered around margins, mainly small fragments, 30 Sept. 1989. Coll: & det: Tim Pyner. 429,981 18 Goldings Hill Pond, (as N. opaca), 1965. Coll: 6k det: Eric Saunders, and Flora of Essex p.45.1974. 429,981 18 Goldings Hill Upper pond, abundant in shallows, large lax form, in areas of open water cleared by dredging in 1985. No sign of reproductive structures, but apices very pointed. 20 Aug. 1986. Coll: 6k det: K.J.Adams. ditto, still present on north side, still sterile. 28 Sept. 1986 K.J.Adams. ditto, still present on north side, with a new form of N. translucens, 25 Sept. 1989. K.J.Adams. 415,967 18 Strawberry Hill Pond, Epping Forest, abundant in the shallows on the north-east shore, sterile, 27 August 1989. Coll: & det: K.J.Adams. 418,966 18 Staples Road New Pond, retrieved by grapnel from the centre, clearly monoecious with immature antheridia and oogonia. 20 April 1997. Coll: 6k det: K.J.Adams. TL(52)40 471,032 19 In the lake, Epping Lower Forest, clearly monoecious, 22 Sept. 1985. Coll: John Bratton, det: K.J.Adams. TL(52)43 42 ,36? 19 Pond between Langley and Chrishall. As Chara flexilis c.1840. George S. Gibson. Flora of Essex, p.405. 1862.