The Essex Naturalist 137 TQ(51)59 58,99 18 Doddinghurst, (as N. opaca), near Brentwood, old pond near Doddinghurst Farm, with C. vulgaris and C. globularis (as C. fragilis), Sept. 1894. Coll: hy William Allen, specimen checked Arthur Bennett. Essex Naturalist. 10, p.190. 1897-98. TQ(51)69 61 ,90? 18 Spring near Childerditch, July 1890. Coll: W. Hind, det: Charles C. Babington. W.Hind. As Chara flexilis, Trinity CollegeDublin Herbarium (TCD). Flora of Essex, p.405. 1862. 638,952 18 Hutton, (as N. opaca), abundant in the Stud Pond, 10 Aug. 1960. Coll: Stanley T.Jermyn, det:? Eric Saunders. Flora of Essex, p.45. 1974. Also Natural History Museum Herbarium (BM). Atlas Specimen No.1781. TL(52)70 and ??????? 18/19 Chelmer and Blackwater Canal, between Maldon TL(52)80 and Chelmsford, 8 August 1891. Dr. Pearl. Essex Naturalist. 5. p.252. 1891. TL(52)71 748,125 19 Boreham, old gravel pit nr. Brent Hall, scarce in deep water amongst plentiful Chara vulgaris and Potamogeton berchtoldii, sterile. 14 July 1990. Tim Pyner. TL(52)81 ??????? 19 Kelvedon, (as N. opaca), pond, 3 June 1878. Henry Groves. Two specimens in Natural History Museum Herbarium (BM). Atlas Specimen No. 1782 TL(52)90 973,016 18 Plentiful, deep water, main pond, Asheldham gravel pits, apices acute, annular incrustations present, sterile. 11 Oct 1987. Coll: & det: Tim Pyner. Pickled material in Southend Central Museum Herbarium (STD). TM(62)12 154,215 19 Weeley, scattered plants in deep shade, west side of pond surrounded by trees, beside Weeley Church. The only macrophyte present Ceratophyllum demersum. Immature antheridia only, and apices typically blunt, (i.e. 'N. opaca'). 26 May 1986.(No oogonia when plants grown on) Coll: & det: K.J.Adams. 17 Nitella translucens (Persoon) Agardh This, the largest of our British Nitella species, has such giant (to 2mm diameter) axial cells that it has heen prodded with microelectrodes and used to measure membrane potentials in different salt solutions, the vacuole contents being squeezed out and assayed by flame photometry for sodium, potassium and chloride ions, to try and