The Essex Naturalist 139 ?????? 18 Epping Forest, near Loughton, 24 June 1916. James Groves. Three specimens in Natural History Museum Herbarium (BM). Atlas Specimen No. 2158. ?????? 18 Loughton, 23 March 1918. George R.Bullock- Webster. Natural History Museum Herbarium (BM). Atlas Specimen No. 2159. ????? 18 Hainault Forest, nr. Fair Holm Oak, 12 July 1935. Charles C.Babington. Cambridge Herbarium (CGE). 46,91? 18 Hainault Forest, "found in a gravel pit on Hainault Forest on the left of the track from Fairlop to Hoghill", c.1820. Edward Forster. Essex Naturalist. 19. p.229.1918-21. Hainault Forest, 'with Utricularia vulgaris in a pit on "Henhault" Forest, c.1820. Essex Naturalist. 19. p.232.1918-21. 411,979 18 Epping Forest, High Beach, "with Typha by one large pond", (presumably Oak (Speakman's) Pond, hence grid ref. comm: K.J.Adams). 21 July 1881. Recorder? Essex: Field Club Transactions. 2. p.41. 1881. 409,965 18 Fairmead V2 rocket Crater, C.H.Selby: "Some Aspects of Dispersal & Succession in some Epping Forest Ponds". Lon.Nat. 1954. 34 p.128-141. 1955. 415,967 18 Epping Forest, Earl's Path Pond, in several large patches growing with Elodea nuttallii, heavily encrusted with the tube rotifer Melicerta. 24 April 1984. Coll: 6k det: K.J. Adams. ditto. Abundant, masses of oogonia and antheridia, southern and north-east side by the road, 24 March 1985. K.J.Adams. ditto small sterile plants in shallows on south east side of the pond. Oct. 1987. K.J.Adams. ditto. April 1989. K.J. Adams. 420,987 18 Epping Forest, Wake Valley Pond, in second bay below inlet delta on north-east shore, 11 December 1984. Coll: John Bratton. Det: K.J. Adams. 429,981 18 Epping Forest, new form with nodal bulbils and precociously developed dactyls, Goldings Hill Upper Pond, 25 September 1989. Coll: & det: K.J.Adams. ditto, persisted until summer of 1990 when it fruited. K.J.Adams.