142 The Essex Naturalist year to year in Essex, but this should he available over the next few years by following up our recent records. It is most reliably distinguished from the very rare var. nidifica, by its antheridia and oogonia, which are both less than 0.5mm as opposed to more than 0.5mm diameter, and from N. intricata by the string of sausage- like-cells forming the branchlet termini. TQ(52)47 596,794 18 Warren Farm Chalk Pit, shallow pool at northern end, sparce, on grapnel, immature antheridia and oogonia. 2 November 1987. Coll: & det: Tim Pyner. Pickled specimen deposited in Southend Central Museum Herbarium (STD). TL(52)54 56 ,43? 19 Saffron Walden, near Monks Hall, in a ditch, c. 1850. Collector? Gibson. Specimen in Saffron Walden Museum Herbarium (SWN). Confirmed J.A.Moore. TL(52)71 ??????? 19 Boreham, pond. 6 July 1880. Legit: H.N.Dixon. Herbarium of James Groves. Natural History Museum Herbarium (BM). Atlas Specimen No. 2257. 707,185 19 Lodge Lake agricultural reservoir, east of Leez Priory, dense marginal raft along eastern section of north shore, heavily encrusted, delapidated, and beginning to break up and release numerous clusters of dark coloured oospores. Growing with C. vulgaris var. longibracteata and Potamogeton pectinatus. 19 July 1986. Coll: & det: k" J Adams. TQ(51)99 ??????? 19 Paglesham, dyke by sea-wall, 1964. Coll: & det: Eric Saunders. Flora of Essex, p.45. 1974.