The Essex Naturalist 151 with an involvement in conservation to try and manage effectively our response to the changing world. Appendix A summary table of Essex SSSIs at August 1997 NOTE: SSSI status confers no right of access onto the land. Landowner's permission must always he sought prior to a visit. Further details of individual sites, including the boundary and site description can be obtained from English Nature or the Local Planning Authority. KEY geol - SSSI notified for its geological or geomorphological features (geol) - part(s) of the site notified for geological or geomorphological features GL - wholly or partly within Greater London (Metropolitan Essex) H - partly within Hertfordshire C - partly within Cambridgeshire S - partly within Suffolk NNR - designated in part as a National Nature Reserve LNR - designated wholly or in part as a Local Nature Reserve Int - subject wholly or in part to an international designation ie SPA, Ramsar site or candidate SAC Site name Area (hectares) Notes (see key above Abberton Reservoir 716.3 Int Ardleigh Gravel Pit 1.2 geol Ashdon Meadows 1.5 Basildon Meadows 6.5 Belcher's & Broadfield Woods 14.4 Benfleet & Southend Marshes 2099.7 NNR, Int Blackwater Estuary 57.37.4 (geol) NNR, Int Blake's Wood & Lingwood Common 93.2 Bovingdon Hall Woods 69.4 Bullock Wood 23.3 Cattawade Marshes 88.2 S Chalkney Wood 72.6 Chingford Reservoirs 390.9 CL Clacton Cliffs & Foreshore 26.1 geol The Clift", Burnham-on-Crouch 4.0 geol Colne Estuary 2915.2 (geol) NNR, Int