Contents Part 1: Essex Field Club Transactions and reports Report of the Essex Field Club for 1995/96 ............................... 1 Income and expenditure account for 1995 ................................ 3 Balance sheet for 1995................................................ 4 Auditor's report for 1995 .............................................. 4 The 1997 Presidential Address: An introduction to British lacewings (Neuroptera) and their allies. Colin W. Plant ....................................... 5 From the Club's Recorders: Essex Orthoptera in 1996. Alan Wake.................................... 17 Essex Heteroptera: report for 1996. Peter Kirby............................. 18 Review of the Macrolepidoptera of Essex for the year 1996. Brian Goodey ....... 21 Essex Mammals in 1996. John Wright..................................... 27 Bats in Essex in 1996. John Dobson ...................................... 29 Interesting Hymenoptera records for 1996 6k 1997. P.R. Harvey .............. 31 Some interesting spider records for 1996 & 1997. P.R. Harvey ................ 44 Part 2: Contributed papers The Bats of Essex. John Dobson ......................................... 49 The Flora of the old Redbridge Southern Sewage Works. P. R. Ferris........... 59 The stag beetle Lucanus cervus L. (Coleoptera: Lucanidae) in north-east Essex: Results of the 1996 Colchester "Search for stag beetles" survey. Jerry Bowdrey . . 79 Fallow deer in the Epping Forest region: An analysis of the influences on their distribution and the consequences for forest management. M.J. Dunn & S.H. Cousins ......................... 89 The Stoneworts of Essex: an interim account. K. J. Adams................... 115 Conservation in Essex: a view from English Nature. Chris Gibson.............. 143 Instruction to Contributors ....................................... 154