Addenda & Corrigenda Essex Naturalist 13 (1996) Two unfortunate and misleading errors occur in K.J. Adams report as flora recorder entitled Post 1974 additions to the bryophyte and higher plant flora of the Watsonian vice-counties of North (VC 19) and South (VC 18) Essex in the 1996 Essex Naturalist, pages 39 and 41. In abbreviating subsequent generic names to the first letter, the VC 18 record for Trichostomopsis umbrosa was inadvertently placed under Tortella, and the VC 18 record for Cryphaea heteromalla was placed under Climacium. Additional Essex records: 19 Tortula laevipila var. laevipiliformis - base of old horse chestnut, by pond east of Belchamp Walter churchyard. Tim Pyner 1996 (1997). 19 Bryum torquescens - steep roadside bank in calcareous sand, road cutting south-west of Wethersfield airfield. Tim Pyner 1966 (1997). 18 * Plagiothecium laetum - on rotting tree stump, Curtismill Green, Navestock. Tim Pyner 1996 (1997).