The Essex Naturalist 1 Report of the Essex Field Club for 1997-98 Approved at the Annual General Meeting on 21st March 1998 The Council of the Essex Field Club met six times during the year 1997-98 at the Old House Brentwood (five times) and Pentland Avenue, Chelmsford (once). Progress on many of the problems that exercised Council during 1996- 97 has been made but some still have yet to be brought to a satisfactory conclusion. A start has been made in other directions to ensure that the Field Club is in good order. Council is looking to broadcast its activities and achievements and to increase membership by implementing a number of measures. A pamphlet and a poster are being designed and costed, for display in libraries, museums and wildlife centres. The pamphlet will be sent out with all publications sold and the possibility of a mailing with the newsletters of other county natural history societies is being investigated. The Essex Naturalist and the Club's monographs are also to be placed in nature reserve and other appropriate bookshops. During the year the remainder of the Harley Bequest came to the Club and has been invested temporarily in short-term high interest savings accounts. Decisions will need to be made during the coming year on the best manner to invest this bequest and on how it is to be used. Council has also been considering the best status to adopt in order to handle the bequest in the most financially efficient manner. It has been decided not to register for charitable status nor to become a limited liability company, though the latter point is still being investigated. The Club's former collections and library are still in temporary store at Burgoyne's, in Newham. Work towards housing the collection in better temporary accommodation has been pursued vigorously, but there have been numerous extremely frustrating hold-ups. However, the re-housing plans are progressing. A start has been made on updating the procedures by which we operate. A revision of the constitution/rules is under way, a code of practice for the Recorders is being discussed and a calendar of ongoing business for Council has been drawn up to ensure the smooth running of its business. The Club's subscription has had to be raised to £10 per annum ordinary member, £12.50 families, £15.00 libraries and societies. As a result of the increase, the service to members will be better. The quality and reliability of publication of the Newsletter and the Naturalist will improve. To this end, an agreement for the printing and mailing of the Naturalist, the Newsletter, the Programme Card and various notices has been made with Cravitz Printing Company Limited of Brentwood. The dates agreed for the copy deadlines and mailings are: