20 The Essex Naturalist The Hoxnian deposits immediately post-date the Anglian deposits and so are correlated with OIS 11. There is some contention about this as amino acid age determinations on mollusca from Hoxne itself give ratios of 0.25 which would suggest OIS 9. As the amino acid data is at variance with several other lines of evidence, it is noted but usually not used. The presence of Clactonian/Acheulian artefacts would support a dating of this age. The overlying gravels are ascribed, therefore, to OIS 10. Corbets Tey Formation At Purfleet and Belhus Park in south Essex, interglacial silts yielding artefacts, molluscs, Ostracods and pollen have been found beneath and within these gravels. The age of the silts is subject to debate. The pollen suggests an Ipswichian age, but the altitude of the gravels, the molluscs (including Corbicula fluminalis), fauna (including mammoth and horse)and amino acid ratios (>0.23) suggest an age older than for the deposits at Aveley and Trafalgar Square (see above). The basal gravels yield Clactonian/Acheulian artefacts and the upper gravels Levallois forms. The basal gravels, where present, are considered to be the 'fill' part of the OIS 10 cut and fill sequence, the overlying intetglacial deposits as OIS 9, and the uppermost gravels as OIS 8. Mucking Formation At Aveley a rich yield of pollen, vertebrates, molluscs and Ostracods has been obtained from silts beneath gravels. The pollen does not distinguish between the deposits here and those from lower elevations, such as Trafalgar Square in London. However, Sutcliffe and others argue that the vertebrates do indicate that the higher deposits are older (with horse and mammoth but lacking Hippopotamus). Corbicula fluminalis is present and recently Ward found Levallois type artefacts beneath the interglacial deposits. The amino acid ratios (0.15-0.19) are in the range expected for OI. Stage 7. Thus the basal sands and gravels are assigned to the OI. Stage 8 cold period, the interglacial; deposits to Stage 7 and the overlying gravels to Stage 6. Kempton Park Gravel The Kempton Park Gravel abuts against the Ipswichian deposits of Trafalgar Square. Two radio-carbon dates from material within the gravels give dates of 35,230 and 43,140 BP, indicating that the aggradation occurred in the middle Devensian. Amino acid ratios of 0.11 conform to those expected OI. Stage 5e. Hippopotamus is present, while horse, mammoth and Corbicula fluminalis are absent. Summary During the last two or three years, much work has been carried out in the Aveley and Purfleet areas in connection with the new A13 road alignment and in quarries in the Watts Wood area by Schreve, Allen, Haggart, Ward, George and others. Their findings, when processed and interpreted, will add greatly to