24 The Essex Naturalist Jaywick (J. Young); and possibly one at Langenhoe which is to be further investigated (H. Owen). 7 DBR. Limacodidae 0173 Festoon Apoda limacodes Hufn. Layer Marney, 6 July - at least twelve adults (J. Firmin et al). 8 DBR Tineidae 0225 Triaxomera fulvimitrella Sodof. Thundersley, 26 July (D. Down). The moth was taken in Don's garden trap and, suspecting it to be something special, showed the specimen to Maitland Emmet for confirmation. New to Essex 0245 Tinea pallescententella Stt. Jaywick, October (J. Young). Following a brief chase, captured after dismantling bathroom scales in which the moth had hidden. 2 DBR Sesiidae 0370 Hornet Moth Sesia apiformis Cl. Layer Marney, 6 July (J. Firmin et al). 12 DBR 0374 Yellow-legged Clearwing Synanthedon vespiformis L. Danbury, 5 August (S.D. Wood). 3 DBR 0379 Red-belted Clearwing S. myopaeformis Borkh. Alresford, 10 August (R. Cottrill). 3 DBR Choreutidae 0389 Choreutis pariana Cl. Dovercourt, 11 and 16 July (C. Gibson). 2 DBR Argyresthiidae 0407a Argyresthia cupressella Wlsm Harwich, 1 July (A.M. Emmet and D.J.L. Agassiz). A North American species first reported in Britain in 1997. New to Essex. Yponomeutidae 0431 Yponomeuta sedella Treit. Elmstead Market, 27 September (B. Goodey). Larval webs on Sedum sp. 3 DBR Ypsolophidae 0458 Ypsolopha alpella D. 6k S. Colchester, 11 August (B. Goodey). 2 DBR Plutellidae 0473 Acrolepiosis assectella Zell. Dovercourt, 12 June, 21 July and 6 August (C. Gibson). A pest species. 2 DBR