The Essex Naturalist 35 Particularly favoured were willow plantations with nests being found at Felsted, Coggeshall, Nayland, Rivenhall and Lamarsh, often in reed grass (Phalaris). Only two nests were found on roadside verges - at Arkesden and Little Easton. The habit of trimming this habitat close to the ground, combined with farming up to the field edge has removed many suitable sites for this species. Harbour porpoise Phocoena phocoena (L.1758) There were two records of live animals, both from birdwatchers - the first seen from Southend Pier in August and the second from Canvey Point in December. In addition there were stranded individuals found at Shoebury in January and Harwich in April. Fox Vulpes vulpes (L.1758) The fox is widespread throughout Essex and commonly recorded as a road casualty, particularly in the south of the county. The concentration of records in west and metropolitan Essex have been mainly contributed by one observer. Otter Lutra lutra (L.1758) Evidence that this species is returning to Essex was the recording of two road casualties in December; one from Little Chesterford, the second at Beaumont- cum-Moze. A late record was of another found dead on the road at Earls Colne in December 1996.