40 The Essex Naturalist A new site for the RDB3 ant Myrmica bessarabica (=specioides) is Ironworks Meadow, Maldon where a single worker was collected on 31st March 1998 by the author and 3 more workers were collected on the 7th July 1998 by Adrian Knowles. A more detailed review of Essex ants appears elsewhere in this volume. Spider wasps (Family Pompilidae) A specimen of Anoplius concinnus collected in on the 16th August 1987 at Hanningfield Reservoir by Roger Payne but only recently identified appears to be a New County Record. The author has recently taken a further specimen at the Rainham Marshes silt lagoons this year. A record of Evagetes dubius shown for Essex at TQ67 in Edwards (1997) is incorrect. The record originates from a specimen collected and provisionally identified by Roger Payne from Broom Hill (West Tilbury). The determination was reassessed but unfortunately the record had apparently already entered the system. It should be deleted from the national atlas and the species remains unrecorded in Essex. Solitary wasps (Family Sphecidae) Charles Watson collected a female Crossocerus cetratus at Chrishill on the 24th August 1997, the third county record for this local sphecid wasp. Charles has also taken one male of the Nationally Scarce Ectemnius sexcinctus at Takeley on the 7th June 1997. This is a rare wasp in the county but with widely distributed records. Adrian Knowles also collected the Nationally Scarce (Na) Crossocerus distinguendus from his garden in Colchester on the 7th June 1998, the first record for north-east Essex. This species is very similar to C. elongatulus, a common small sphecid wasp preying on aphids which is frequently present in gardens. With new localities turning up in southern England it is difficult to assess whether Crossocerus distinguendus is increasing its range or has previously been overlooked. Adrian Knowles has recorded two males of the RDB3 Diodontus insiduosus at Danbury Common on the 16th June 1998. This species has been recorded in Essex from Wanstead Flats (Hanson, 1992) but otherwise the only other county records are by Penny Anderson Associates for Mill Wood Pit and the Chafford Hundred area. Most records nationally seem to be from old heathland and acid grassland commons. This year the author has collected single females of the RDB3 Passaloecus clypealis at Barling Pits, Barking PFA lagoons and Rainham Marshes silt lagoons. This rare species has been recorded nesting within the empty 'cigar-galls' of the chloropid fly Lipara lucens on Phragmites (Falk, 1991). In Essex the wasp has been found in situations where Phragmites is growing in relatively dry situations