The Essex Naturalist 43 including two northern species that would constitute New County Records, several other NCRs and a record of the RDB1 (Endangered) cleptoparasite Nomada guttulata from two sites in the Mill Wood Pit area, one doomed to be lost to development and the other a very small area soon to be completely surrounded by housing. Apparently the N. guttulata records were made in August, a time when neither the cleptoparasite nor its host Andrena labiata (a late spring/early summer bee) are flying. Mining bees and cuckoo bees (Family Halictidae) Lasioglossum nitidiusculum and the Nationally Scarce (Na) L. pauxillum are both rare bees in Essex, with few records. There have been several new records for both species. Adrian Knowles collected two males and two females of L. pauxillum this year at Blackberry Fields in the Roman River valley and the author found the species at Brightlingsea Marshes. The RDB3 Lasioglossum pauperatum is turning out to be widespread in good quality sites in the East Thames Corridor. This year the author collected a female on the 21st May 1998 at Stanway Pit near Colchester, the first record for North Essex since Harwood's time. The author also collected the RDB3 Lasioglossum quadrinotatum at Warren Lane Pit East, Stanway, Colchester on the same occasion. The Nationally Scarce (Nb) Lasioglossum puncticolle is widely distributed in Essex in locations near the coast, particularly in flower-rich grazing marsh grassland habitats. Adrian Knowles has recorded the species at a number of new sites this year, including one site near Harlow an unusual inland site. The Nationally Scarce (Nb) Lasioglossum xanthopum is another species rare in the county, and usually associated with old flower-rich grasslands. Roger Payne collected the species at Southend Sewage Works on the 4th June 1997 and the species was present in numbers this year at Star Lane Brick Pits and along the sea wall at Little Wakering and Barling, together with its Nationally Vulnerable RDB2 cleptoparasite Sphecodes spinulosus. Males of the Sphecodes were present in large numbers at Star Lane Brick Pits on the 14th and 20th May 1998 and at Little Wakering on the 20th May 1998, the first Essex records since Harwood's time. Adrian Knowles collected a female of the Sphecodes at Warren Farm Pit East on the 21st may 1998 and the host Lasioglossum xanthopum on the 12th June 1998. The very local cleptoparasite Sphecodes hyalinatus has only two previous recent records in the county. Adrian Knowles collected one female at Emanuel Wood (Chesterford Park) on the 30th April 1998. Adrian has also collected the RDB3 Sphecodes niger and Nationally Scarce (Na) S. rubicundus at Walton Naze this year, and Charles Watson collected two males and one female of the Sphecodes niger at Little Chrishill on the 23rd August 1997. Another Nationally Scarce (Na) species Sphecodes reticulatus has been collected this year by the author at Barling and Rainham Marshes silt lagoons.