The Essex Naturalist 55 New Charophyte (Stonewort) and Bryophyte Records K. J. Adams Dept. Life Sciences, University of East London E15 4LZ. Charophytes The following records have heen added to the data base since publication of my provisional list (Adams, 1997. The Stoneworts of Essex: An interim account in Essex Naturalist 14: 115- 142). Chara vulgaris var. longibracteata TQ(51)98 927,856 18 Thorpe Bay, shallow pond by railway line, frequent in drying shallows, male and female organs present, spine cells short. 10 July 1998. Tim Pyner. TL(52)43 454,371 19 Clavering, Ford End, small pond in field, With Chara globularis var. globularis, [sterile with long bracteoles, spines supine and up to 2x as long as width of spine rows] 20 October 1997, Coll: Shirley Watson. Det: K.J.Adams. Chara vulgaris var. papillata TQ(51)98 906,852 18 Southchurch, Thorpe Hall Golf Course, in small 911,853 ponds (dry previous summer), abundant, heavily 911,854 encrusted, male and female organs abundant. 21 July 911,856 1998. Tim Pyner. Southend Central Museum Herbarium. (STD). Chara globularis var. globularis TL(52)43 454,371 19 Clavering, Ford End, small pond in field with Chara vulgaris var. longibracteata, cortex rows more or less equal in width, spine cells not developed, stipuloides small hemispherical papillae. 20 October 1997, Coll: Shirley Watson. Det: K.J.Adams. Nitella mucronata var. mucronata TL(52)41 448,115 19 R. Stort, with Elodea nuttallii, nr. Harlow Marsh, 1 August 1998. Charles Watson. 487,144 19 R. Stort, Sheering Mill Lock, retrieved by grapnel from the central channel, plants with long pointed mucronate terminal cells to the two-celled dactyls. 29 December 1997. Charles Watson. 491,171 19 R. Stort between Spellbrook Lock and Tednambury Lock, 10 February 1998. Charles Watson. Note: When this taxon was originally found in the River Stort, it had the typical short, onion shaped terminal cell mucro. In the material that is turning up all along