56 The Essex Naturalist the central channel of the Stort now, the terminal cells form a long pointed conical mucro. This suggests that the terminal cell is rather plastic in its morphology, and dependent on some habitat factor as to which form is expressed. Bryophytes The following records have been added to the data base since publication of my provisional list (Adams, 1996. Post 1974 additions to the Bryophyte and Higher Plant floras of the Watsonian vice-Counties of North (vc 19) and South (vc 18) Essex. Essex naturalist 13: 34 - 42). 19 Racomitrium aciculare - Magdalen Laver churchyard, scattered tufts of diminutive plants in brick-lined gulley at base of south-facing church wall. Tim Pyner. 1997. 18 Ulota crispa var. norvegica (= Ulota bruchii) - Epping Forest, on Grey Willow, delta marsh above Baldwins Hill Pond. Tim Pyner. 1997. Corrigenda The following errors occur in The Stoneworts of Essex: An interim account in Essex Naturalist 14: 115 - 142. page 115 line 2. For "green, plants" read "green algae," page 118 line 10 up. For "whereas in all the genera" read "whereas in all the other genera" page 122 line 2 up For "Stonewarts" read "Stoneworts" page 126 under 3b Chara vulgaris var. crassicaulis line 1. For "var. vulgaris," read "C. vulgaris" Line 4. Figure 1 unfortunately avoided inclusion. It is presented in the present volume on page vi. page 128 For grid reference "707,195" read "707,185" page 132 line 4. For "C. vulgata" read "C. vulgaris" page 137 line 7. delete "W. Hind" page 139 line 23. Insert "1954" to read "rocket crater, 1954, C. H. Selby" line 25. Delete 1954. page 141 line 11. Insert "Sm" to read "Chara gracilis Sm." page 142 line 6. For "TQ(52)47" read "TQ(51)57".