80 The Essex Naturalist Ponera coarctata (L.) Threats The main threats are likely to he the loss of sites to development, the restoration of old pits and quarries and habitat degradation through scrub development, tree planting or agricultural improvement. SUBFAMILY MYRMICINAE Genus: Myrmica. There are records in Essex for seven of the nine British species. Some species in this genus can be very difficult to identify, especially if only one or two workers are available. M. sabuleti, M. scabrinodis and M. bessarabica (=specioides) can be particularly confusing and comparison with voucher specimens and knowledge of all the species is necessary to be sure of identification. M. bessarabica, has been found to occur at a number of coastal sites in the county and seems to have heen overlooked in the past. Evidence suggests that some species such as M. lobicornis are good indicators of the age and quality of grassland habitat. Mucking Heath along the western edges of Orsett Golf Course is outstanding for the abundance and number of Myrmica and other ant species present in the ancient grass heath. Pitfall trapping by P R Mabbott in the Epping Forest area has shown Pole Hill Meadow to have a similar range of Myrmica species present.