The Essex Naturalist 81 Myrmica bessarabica Nasonov National status RDB3 County status Essex Scarce (=specioides Bondroit) Threat status Regionally Important Frequency Ratio 1.3 Tetrad Percentage 1.4% Recorded 1km sq. percentage 3.3% Myrmica bessarabica Nasonov Distribution Listed only for East Kent in Falk (1991). This ant was first collected in Essex by the author in 1988 at Shoebury Old Ranges but remained identified only as "Myrmica sp." until later. Some Myrmica workers thought to be M. specioides were collected at Colne Point in 1990. Geoff Allen and then John Felton confirmed the identity of this species, which has since been found to occur at fourteen localities on or near the coast in Essex, stretching from Barking PFA lagoons in south-west Essex to Dovercourt in north-east Essex. Specimens from most of these localities have been confirmed by the late John Felton. It seems very likely that this ant previously remained undetected in the county, but the possibility that the species is expanding its range cannot be dismissed. Habitat and Ecology The ant has always occurred in thermophilic situations, on sparsely vegetated sand dune (at Shoebury Old Ranges, Colne Point, Crabknowe Spit neat Little Oakley and Dovercourt), on sections of unimproved south-facing sea wall at The Cliff (Burnham-on-Crouch) and Ironworks Meadow (Maldon), a sparsely