82 The Essex Naturalist vegetated south-facing landslip grassland at Bushy Hill (South Woodham Ferrers), old grazing marsh grassland with sparsely vegetated hummocks and anthills at Fobbing Marshes and Kersey Marsh (Benfleet Downs) and sparsely vegetated grassland on south-facing terrace gravels at Broom Hill and Hall Hill (West Tilbury). More recently it has been taken on sparsely vegetated grassland that has developed since the 1950s at Goshams Farm on an old waste site between Tilbury and East Tilbury and at Barking where PFA from the adjacent power station has formed some extra-ordinary desert-like landscapes as well as grassland, scrub and marshy habitats. The majority of Barking Levels are already destroyed and covered by housing developments. Threats Changes in management and disturbance or improvement of grazing marsh grasslands and old sea walls, development of 'Brown Field' sites and amenity pressures especially at fragile remnant dune sites. Myrmica lobicornis Nylander National status Common County status Essex Rare Threat status Essex Threatened Frequency Ratio 1.0 Tetrad Percentage 0.5% Recorded 1km sq. percentage 1.0% Myrmica lobicornis Nylander Distribution In Essex this distinctive species is very rare in the county and restricted to unimproved grassland sites with recent records for only six localities, Mucking Heath (Orsett Golf Course) where the ant was numerous in the ancient grass