84 The Essex Naturalist Myrmica rubra (L.) Distribution This species of ant is very widespread and locally common with recent records from nearly 130 localities in the county. Barrett (1979) also shows post 1961 records from TM03, TM13 (which may be Suffolk) and TQ79. Habitat and Ecology The species seems to prefer undisturbed grasslands with taller herbage and is much less often found than M. ruginodis. Colonies normally have several to many queens and up to 1000 or more workers nesting in the ground or under stones (Collingwood, 1979). Threats Not threatened. Myrmica ruginodis Nylander National status Common County status Essex Common Frequency Ratio 3.1 Tetrad Percentage 16.3% Recorded 1km sq. percentage 40.5% Distribution Very widespread and common in a variety of habitats. There are recent records for nearly 200 localities in the county. Habitat and Ecology In Essex this is usually the Myrmica species that is found near woods and scrubland and in woodland rides. It is much more rarely taken away from scrub