The Essex Naturalist 85 or woodlands in grasslands where damper conditions exist. Collingwood (1979) states that it is abundant throughout the woodlands and high moorlands of North Europe. Myrmica ruginodis Nylander Threats Not threatened. Myrmica sabuleti Meinert National status Local County status Essex Local Frequency Ratio 1.7 Tetrad percentage 5.1% Recorded 1km sq. percentage 11.0% Distribution Widespread but local with recent records from over 50 widely distributed localities in the county. Barrett (1979) shows post 1961 records for TL61, TL71, TL72 and TL81 together with records for TL30 & TL42 which are probably for Hertfordshire, and TL64 and TM13 which may originate from Cambridgeshire or Suffolk. Habitat and Ecology Usually associated with sparsely vegetated grassland and other habitats where bare ground is exposed such as old quarries, sand pits and landslips. Threats Not threatened. Decline might follow neglect of open habitats allowing scrub and secondary woodland to develop. The removal of grazing and catastrophic decline in rabbit populations might also cause a substantial decline.