The Essex Naturalist 87 Distribution Much the commonest Myrmica ant in reasonably short grassland habitats with recent records from over 130 widely distributed localities. Barrett (1979) shows post 1961 records for TL40, TL51, TL53 and TL72 together with records for TL41 &. TL42 which may originate from Hertfordshire, and TM 13 which may originate from Suffolk. Habitat and Ecology Collingwood (1979) states that the species has variable habits, being found in a very wide variety of habitats; . in southern areas it is often associated with the meadow ant Lasius flavus living in part of the mound nest and preying on the L. flavus workers but it may be equally common in woodland, coastal sand, gravel river banks, peat bogs and moorland. In Essex the species seems to prefer much shorter grassland than M. rubra but is not as closely associated with sparsely vegetated ground as M. sabuleti. Threats Not threatened. Myrmica schencki Emery National status Scarce-Nb County status Essex Scarce Threat status Regionally Important Frequency Ratio 1.4 Tetrad Percentage 1.9% Recorded 1km sq. percentage 4.3% Myrmica schencki Emery