88 The Essex Naturalist Distribution Listed for S Essex in Falk (1991). This species has been found to be much more widespread in the county than expected, but it has usually only found in small numbers and most records have been made using pitfall traps. There are recent records from nineteen localities most of which are near the coast but also from Pole Hill Meadow (coll. by P R Mabbott in 1994 & 1995), Wanstead Park in Epping Forest and Glemsford Pits in North Essex. Habitat and Ecology Apart from a single worker on a roadside verge at Alresford (coll. by R. Ruffell on the 3rd Oct. 1993) all records are from old and undisturbed sites. Apparently this species differs from other European Myrmica in having no winter brood, is nocturnal and derives much of its food from the glandular secretions of low herbage such as Hypochaeris and Hieracium spp. Colonies are single queened and isolated, situated in sandy banks and dry pasture (Collingwood 1979) Threats Loss of old pastures and other unimproved habitats. The number of Essex sites in which this species has been found and its association with good quality sites suggests the populations may be important in a national context. Formicoxenus nitidulus (Nylander) National status Local County status Essex Rare Threat status Essex Vulnerable Frequency Ratio 1.0 Tetrad Percentage 0.1% Recorded 1km sq. percentage 0.2% Formicoxenus nitidulus (Nylander)