90 The Essex Naturalist Distribution There are records from nine widely distributed localities in South Essex and four localities in North Essex. The species seems extremely local in the county and this unobtrusive ant is rarely found in any numbers. Barrett (1979) shows post 1961 records for TL50, TL52, TL63; a pre 1961 record for TQ39 and a post 1961 record for TL42 which may originate from Hertfordshire; a post 1961 record for TL84 which may originate from Suffolk. Habitat and Ecology In woodland areas Collingwood (1979) states the species nests on fallen tree trunks, rotten branches, stumps or under bark in small isolated colonies of 25-60 individuals with one or several queens. The ant can sometimes be seen running on dead wood and fence palings and in Essex usually occurs near or at the edge of woodland. Threats Intense amenity pressure in woodlands adjacent to urban areas and the 'tidying up' of woodlands by the removal of dead wood. Leptothorax albipennis (Curtis) National status Scarce Na County status Essex Rare =tuberutn (Fabricius) Threat status Essex Endangered =tuberointerruptus (Bondroit) Frequency Ratio 1.0 Tetrad Percentage 0.1% Recorded 1km sq. percentage 0.2% Leptothorax albipennis (Curtis)