The Essex Naturalist 93 Monomorium pharaonis (L.) Introduced A cosmopolitan species that in North Europe is frequently established in heated premises including bakehouses, laundries and hospitals (Collingwood 1979). The Colchester Natural History Museum have a single record for Essex County Hospital in 1976. More recently, this small ant has been found to be established in the central heating ducts of a number of high rise buildings in the Essex portion of east London, especially in Newham. Solenopsis fugax (Latreille) National status Rare RDB3 County status Essex Extinct Threat status Essex Endangered Distribution Falk (1991) lists S Essex and Donisthorpe (1927) gives Shoebury near Southend and this is shown in Barrett (1979). There are no recent records in the county but the minute workers are seldom seen above ground and it is possible that it remains undetected because of its secretive habits. Habitat and Ecology A largely subterranean species which often forms large colonies deep in the ground or beneath large stones, often linked to those of larger ants such as Lasius or Formica species. It typically robs and eats the brood of larger species. Threats If rediscovered in the county the most likely threat would be loss of sites to development or damage to sites through lack of or inappropriate management. Stenamma westwoodi s.l. National status Local [S. debilis Foerster & S. westwoodi Westwood] The ant known previously in this country as Stenamma westwoodi has recently been shown to refer to two species S. westwoodi Westwood and S. debile Foerster (DuBois 1993; BWARS starter pack: 31-34). The majority of Essex records seem to be referable to S. debile. Nests consist of up to 150 workers with a single queen and may be found in dry well-drained woodland under deep stones or among tree roots and under moss (Collingwood 1979). Barrett (1979) shows a post 1961 record for TQ79 and pre 1961 record for TM13, which may originate from Suffolk. Stenamma debile Foerster National status Unknown County status Essex Local Frequency Ratio 1.2 Tetrad Percentage 2.8% Recorded 1km sq. percentage 6.8%