94 The Essex Naturalist Stenamma debile Foerster Distribution The late J C Felton checked a number of specimens from Essex and all but one were S. debile. So far nearly all further specimens also seem be referable to S. debile which has recent records from 25 localities. There are records of S. westwoodi s.l. from another four localities which it has not been possible to check but which are likely to be S. debile. Habitat and Ecology In Essex most records are from leaf litter in woodland or under thickets and hedges. However several records are from grasslands as at Pole Hill meadow (Mabbott 1994), Broom Hill (West Tilbury) and Fobbing Marshes. Threats Loss of old hedges in the countryside. The species may be adversely affected by intense amenity pressure destroying the litter layer in woodlands adjacent to urban areas. Stenamma westwoodi Westwood National status Unknown County status Essex Rare Threat status Essex Threatened Frequency Ratio 1.0 Tetrad Percentage 0.2% Recorded 1km sq. percentage 0.4% Distribution The late J C Felton determined a single dealate queen from Broom Hill (West Tilbury) as S. westwoodi (s.s.) and together with two males collected at