The Essex Naturalist 105 Lasius fuliginosus (Latreille) National status Common County status Essex Scarce Frequency Ratio 1.3 Tetrad Percentage 2.0% Recorded 1km sq. percentage 4.5% Lasius fuliginosus (Latreille) Distribution This species seems to be widely distributed but very local in the county. Records are usually of workers foraging in isolated localities. There are recent records for twenty three localities. Barrett (1979) shows pre 1961 records for TL71 and TM02, a post 1961 record for TQ49 and a pre 1961 record for TQ57 which may originate in Kent. Habitat and Ecology This large shiny black Lasius forms carton nests at the base of old trees or in hedgerows, sometimes in sand dunes and old walls (Collingwood 1979). It is a semi-social parasite of a semi-social parasite, establishing its colonies in those of the Lasius umbratus group which in turn are founded in colonies of the Lasius niger/flavus complexes and the chances of a queen founding successfully in these circumstances may explain the highly localised distribution of colonies (Hoy in Edwards 1997). The files of foraging workers on trees and scrub may be very conspicuous when found. Threats The complex dependence on other species presumably makes this ant vulnerable to ecological changes affecting either species.