106 The Essex Naturalist Lasius mixtus (Nylander) National status Local County status Essex Scarce Frequency Ratio 1.3 Tetrad Percentage 1.4% Recorded 1km sq. percentage 2.9% Lasius mixtus (Nylander) Distribution There are recent records for fourteen localities in South Essex and one at Great Holland Pits in North Essex. Barrett (1979) shows a pre 1961 record for TM02. Habitat and Ecology The species nests deep in the ground often among shrub roots and under deep boulders, but occasionally also constructs mound nests of fine loose soil. Fertilised queens are thought to found colonies by adoption in nests of ants of L. alienus and L. niger (Collingwood 1979). Threats Probably under-recorded especially in North Essex and not likely to be threatened. Lasius niger s.l. National status Common County status Essex Common [Lasius niger (L.) & L. platythorax Seifert] Frequency Ratio 3.4 Tetrad Percentage 18.5% Recorded 1km sq. percentage 46.5%