The Essex Naturalist 107 Seifert (1992) has recently split L. niger s.l. into two species found in Britain L. niger (L) and L. platythorax Seifert. The two species ate difficult to separate requiring morphometric indices in microns and it has not yet been possible to critically examine Essex specimens. The distribution map and associated text refer therefore to L. niger s.l. but it is likely that most records are referable to L. niger (L.) s.s. Distribution Widespread and abundant in the county with recent records from over 180 localities. Even so it is certainly under-recorded, occurring in a wide range of habitats. Habitat and Ecology It is the ant most often found in gardens and must occur in almost all such situations even in the middle of towns. The ant can become a pest when it enters houses and kitchens and an interesting example of dead ants jammed solid in the plug of an electric toaster is described by R.G. Payne in the Essex Field Club Newsletter No.12, p.4 (1994). Threats Not threatened. L. platythorax Seifert National Status Unknown County status Essex Unknown Threat status Unknown