108 The Essex Naturalist Distribution Prince provides a map showing British records and this includes north-west Essex. The record is from Saffron Walden at TL5238 (Prince pers. comm.). The distribution of L. platythorax is at present poorly known in Britain and so far appears to be a southern species. Habitat and Ecology The ant appears to prefer moister places than L. niger and is not associated with stones, pavements, etc. It can be found in woodland clearings and bogs nesting in dead wood and soil. It may be an indicator of comparatively undisturbed natural habitat (Prince 1998). Threats In view of the number of ancient woodland sites within the county it does seem possible that the ant will turn out to be widely distributed in Essex. The species closely resembles L. niger and identification is difficult, requiring morphological measurements and indices in microns. Queens and males in particular should be collected from any likely sites. At present therefore the threat status of this species is unknown. L. psammophilus Seifert National status Unknown County status Essex Scarce Threat status Essex Threatened Frequency Ratio 1.0 Tetrad Percentage 0.6% Recorded 1km sq. percentage 1.2% L. psammophilus Seifert