The Essex Naturalist 109 Distribution There are records for only five localities at Hall Hill (West Tilbury), Shoebury Old Ranges and Sunshine Plain (Epping Forest) in South Essex and Colne Point and Grymes Dyke near Colchester in North Essex. Habitat and Ecology Seifert describes L. psammophilus as associated with sandy grasslands. The ant has been found in Essex in thermophilic conditions on dune and sparsely vegetated sandy soil and heathland. Threats One site is part of the Epping Forest SSSI and two other sites are Essex Wildlife Trust reserves where public access is controlled. The species has not been found in old sand pits or other recently disturbed sandy habitats and is may be vulnerable to the loss and degradation of unimproved habitats. Lasius umbratus (Nylander) National status Local County status Essex Rare Frequency Ratio 2.0 Tetrad Percentage 0.4% Recorded 1km sq. percentage 0.8% Distribution The species seems to be very rare in the county with recent records from only four localities within a small area in Thurrock, at Broom Hill and Hall Hill (West Tilbury), Mucking Heath (Orsett Golf Course) and the author's garden at Sockets Heath (Grays). Lasius umbratus (Nylander)