112 The Essex Naturalist The Essex Naturalist INSTRUCTIONS TO CONTRIBUTORS The Essex Naturalist carries original papers and notes, and communications on all aspects of the flora, fauna, geology and general ecology of the county of Essex. AU material is accepted on the understanding that it is not currently being offered to or considered by any other publication not produced by the Essex Field Club. Papers affecting adjacent counties or other areas may also be submitted if their contents are relevant to the county of Essex and this relevance is indicated in the work. Papers, notes and communications are invited from both members and non-members of the Essex Field Club and from amateurs and professionals alike. All papers and notes will he subjected to peer review prior to acceptance. The Editor of this journal and the Editor of the Essex Field Club Newsletter reserve to right to refer submitted material to each other it appropriate. All papers must be typed. Shorter notes and communications may be either typed or neatly hand-written. Material may be sent via e-mail or on floppy-disk in a format that is compatible with Word for Windows version 7.0 but only by prior arrangement with the Editor. Paper copy should also be supplied. All contributions must be double-spaced and must be sent in duplicate (original plus photocopy is adequate). Illustrations MUST include the original. Titles should reflect accurately the contents of the work as these will be abstracted. Tables and Figures must be properly captioned. Papers should commence with a summary, followed by an introduction and then the main body of the work. Acknowledgments and then references should be placed at the end of the paper. Good contrast back and white photographic prints may accompany contributions. FORMAT OF CONTRIBUTIONS Titles and headings should be centred on the line. All contributions commence with a title in lower case with an initial capital. The names of authors are placed below in capitals. The authors' addresses come next in sentence case and underlined. Headings such as "Summary", "Introduction", "Methods, "Conclusions" etc. are in lower case with an initial capital. DO NOT USE BOLD OR ITALIC TYPE. Words to be set in italics (scientific names, journal titles, etc.), should be UNDERLINED. Do not set text in columns. In notes and communications, references should be given in text and may be abbreviated; in papers, references should be collected at the end and should follow the format in this volume. Dates should follow the format 25th December 1996 or 25.xii.1996. Scientific names should include the genus and cite the author at the first mention; thereafter the author should be omitted and the generic name abbreviated to the initial capital followed by a full point unless confusion with similar names dictates that they should be spelled out in full. Measurements should be in metric units and follow the SI system (Systeme Internationale d'Unite) with imperial equivalents in round brackets thereafter it required. COSTS OF PUBLICATION There are no page charges to authors. However, authors must normally defray the cost of coloured plates it these are required. REPRINTS Single authors will receive 25 free reprints of their papers, cut from the journal. Multiple authors will receive 50 free reprints in total. Reprints of short notes and communications may be provided if pagination permits but this is not guaranteed as shorter notes may be used to till spaces at the end of longer papers. Additional reprints of papers may be purchased at cost and must be ordered when proofs are returned to the Editor. COPY DEADLINES The Essex Naturalist is published annually as a single volume, normally in November. Manuscripts should be submitted by 1st August for inclusion in the same year's volume; a later date may be acceptable provided that the author has contacted the Editor to discuss this. WHERE TO SEND CONTRIBUTIONS The Editor, Essex Naturalist, Department of Life Sciences, University of East London, Romford Road, Stratford, London E15 4LZ The Editor will be pleased to offer guidance and assistance to first time authors and others.