about 300, for the Certificates of Muster for the year 1539 show that the village had 50 men capable of bearing arms. On the accession of Edward VI in many Essex parishes the churchwardens, with the assent of the parishioners, sold church plate and ornaments and carried out severe changes in church worship without waiting for any authority from the Protectorate Government. At South Benfleet Church plate to the value of £3 6s. 8d. (much smaller than sums raised by similar means in many neighbouring churches) was sold in this way, the money being used for the repair of the church fabric and the fitting out of soldiers. Convocation in 1547 had permitted the marriage of priests ; this permission was sanctioned by Parliament in 1549, but on Mary's accession the Act was reversed. In 1551 Bonner, then Bishop of London, in which diocese Essex was included, deprived 89 Essex clergy of their livings, in most cases because they were married. Included among the ministers so deprived was the Vicar of South Benfleet, Thos. Wilson, whose fate was shared by the Rectors of North Benfleet, Ashingdon, North Shoebury and Foulness, and the Vicars of Hockley, Eastwood and Prittlewell. Many of these clergy, after separating from their wives and doing penance were reappointed to other livings. The penance required included standing in a sheet, holding a taper in the body of the church and confessing their sin. The accession of Elizabeth brought a new religious settlement. The clergy throughout the country were required to subscribe to the new Acts of Uniformity and Supremacy. Bonner, who had been most active in the persecution of Protestants in Essex, was deprived of his bishopric and imprisoned in the Marshalsea : the Archdeacons of Essex, Colchester and London were also deprived, together with some 26 Essex incumbents who. refused subscription. Among these latter was included another Vicar of South Benfleet, Thos. Parker ; Thos. Wilson returned to the vicarage from which he had been ejected in Mary's reign, but only lived for another 14