"fit" exactly on to the capitals. The Chancel roof is of Fifteenth Century date ; the lesser rafters are now covered by a plastered ceiling. On the south side of the altar is a very fine perpendicular piscina, with Cinquefoil head and a credence shelf. The black and white paving of the floor was carried out in 1734. On the south wall is a small Sixteenth Century brass inscribed in memory of William Cardinal, who married Faythe, a daughter of Sir Roger Appleton. There is a slab of Purbeck marble over the tomb of Sir Wm. and Dorothy Appleton (who died in 1705 and 1719 respectively) ana their two sons ; this bears an interesting epitaph. The reredos was designed by Sir Charles Nicholson, Bt., the eminent church architect, and was painted by his mother, Lady Nicholson, who at one time resided at Hadleigh House. The church was reseated and polychromed about the middle of the Nineteenth Century. The present font was erected in 1871, when the former font, put up in 1845, was removed to St. Catherine's Chapel, on Canvey Island. The central pillar of the new font formed part of an ancient font belonging to, and in use in, South Benfleet Church to the year 1844. During the removal of the old font the floor of the south aisle was disturbed and there were uncovered two gravestones, which marked earlier burials in the churchyard before the construction of the aisle. One of these gravestones now lies on the floor near the pulpit. It bears a Thirteenth Century inscription in Norman French, which may be reconstructed— ICI [GIT] MARCELIE PR (IEZ PUR S'ALME) ; Here lies Marcelle. Pray for her soul. The list of vicars dates from 1309. The Parish Registers date from 1580 and together with the Overseers' Accounts are of considerable historical value and interest. There are many entries relating to people of Dutch descent, and in 1751, it is interesting to note, both (he overseers were women. Mention must 23