PLEISTOCENE CLASSIFICATIONS. 267 THE TABLE OF COMPARATIVE PLEISTOCENE CLASSIFICATIONS. The contractions in the body of this table refer to the fol- lowing glacial episodes, etc.:—Sicilian, Gunzian, Mindelian, Rissian, Wurmian, and Neo-Wurmian or Buhlstadium. The signs indicate :—O Pre-Glacial, = glacial stage (un-named),— cold stage, X temperate stage, XX Post-Glacial, while the heavy stars indicate that these deposits are transferred to the Mous- terian or Magdalenian. It would require a volume fully to discuss the table, but the following points may be noted ".— Solutrian.—This is omitted from the time-scale because I am satisfied that the cultural evolution (alike in flint-work, bone-work, and pictorial art) from the end of the Aurignacian to the beginning of the Magdalenian is continuous and unbroken. The Solutrians would seem to have been bands of foreign invaders who settled in France in various localities. The Aurignacian and Magdalenian culture is essentially the same, so that al- though the Solutrian culture (which is totally different) wedges in between them in some districts, it cannot have broken the continuity between the two. In the Solutrian home in Central Europe the case would be quite different. Penck and Bruckner.—Include the minor Buhlstadium cold, following on the milder oscillation of Achen, within the larger Wurmian glaciation. Boule.—Considers the early Gunzian and Mindelian as the maximum glaciation, the Magdalenian being cold and dry, but post-glacial. Marr.—Removes the Chalky Boulder Clay to the Mousterian ice age, classed as Wurmian on the basis of the Ipswich evidences, which the writer thinks have been misread. Dewey.—Groups the Purple Boulder Clay of north-eastern England with the Magdalenian and Ponders End stage. (Geol. Mag. 1913, p. 154.) My own inclination tends rather to the view that the Purple Clay = the Chalky-Kimeridgic Clay, and that it is more probably the Hessle Clay that corresponds to the Ponders End stage further south. Brooks.—In a more recent note in Man (1922, 47) now cor- relates the Acheulian with the Rissian, the Mousterian with the Wurmian, and the Chalky Boulder Clay with the Mindelian. While taking the broadest view, he would make two chief glaciations only, Gunz + Mindel and Riss + Wurm, with the Chellian as the only really warm interglacial period between them. This is getting nearer to my own view than his previous classification, though if the Riss and Wurm be grouped together, they must be placed before the Chellian.