268 S. HAZZLEDINE WARREN, The Deperet System.—This has been ably explained for English readers by Sollas (Nature, March 10, 1923 ; Geol. Mag., 1923, p. 1). It is based upon a succession of raised beaches in the Mediterranean, dating from between the Pliocene and the present time. The beaches themselves occupy discontinuous fragments of Pleistocene time, but the epochs named after them are extended to continuity. The following is a scheme averaged from the varied views of different authors :—* (1). 1.—Sicilian. Raised beach at 300 feet, with very cold marine fauna. Correlated with the Gunzian glaciation and the Weybourne Crag, 1a.—Emergence of land, with temperate climate ; including the Cromer Forest Bed. 2.—Milazzian. Raised beach at 200 feet. Temperate climate. Correlated with the Leda [Yoldia] myalis bed of Cromer. 2a.—Emergence, Mindelian glaciation. Correlated with the North Sea Drift, etc. 3.—Tyrrhenian. Raised beach at 100 feet, with the warmest climate of the Pleistocene. 3a.—Emergence, with Rissian glaciation. 3b.—Temperate climate ; Early Chellian industry. 4.—Monastirian. Raised beach at 60 feet. Temperate climate. Late Chellian. 4a.—Acheulian. 4b.—Mousterian. 4c.—Upper Palaeolithic, or Cave Age. 4d.—Holocene. The Penck system starts in the Alpine area, it correlates a succession of glacial moraines with the deposition of the river terrace gravels, from the moraine itself all down the course of the river to the sea. The gaps between the gravel terraces represent the interglacial periods of erosion due to the flood- waters of the melting ice. The Deperet system starts on the sea-board. The suc- cessive marine platforms determine the base-levels of the rivers, and consequently the deposition of the river gravel terraces is independent of the glacial episodes. In fact Sollas makes the * Views on the Deperet system are so diverse that it would need a separate table to represent them adequately. The scheme given by Sollas in the 3rd edition of Ancient Hunters is appended. Periods. Deposits. Industries. Sicilian ? .. .. .. .. Norwich Crag Milazzian ? . . .. .. Weybourne Crag, etc. Lower Tyrrhenian .. .. Cromer Forest Bed, etc. .. Chellian Acheulian I. Upper Tyrrhenian . . . . Leda Myalis bed, etc.. . Lower Boulder Clay .. .. Acheulian II. Lower Monastirian .. .. Middle Glacial Sands . . .. Acheulian III Mousterian I. Upper Monastirian .. .. Upper Boulder Clay .. .. Mousterian II. (and later) (and later)