PLEISTOCENE CLASSIFICATIONS. 281 REFERENCES. 1. M. Gignoux.—Ann. Univ., Lyon., N.S. i., 1913, fasc. 36. L. de Lamothe.— Com. Rend. Acad. Sci., Paris, vol. c.lxii., 1916, p. 948 ; Bull. Soc. Geol., France, vol. xviii., 1918, p. 3. C. R. Deperet.—Com. Rend. Acad. Sci., Paris, vol. clxvi., 1918, p. 480 ; p. 636 ; p. 884 ; vol. clxvii., 1918, p. 418 ; p. 979 ; vol. clxviii., 1919, p. 868 ; vol. clxx., 1920, p. 159 ; vol. clxxi., 1920, p. 212 ; vol. clxxiv., 1922, p. 1502 ; p. 1594. C.R. Geol. Soc., Frante, 1921, No. 9, p. 125. For a general discussion see H. F. Osborn, C. A. Reeds, and others, Bull. Geol. Soc., America, vol. xxxiii., 1922, p. 411. 2. S. H. Warren.—Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc, vol. lxxix., 1923, p. 607 ; Essex Naturalist, vol. xxi., 1924, p. 32. 3. H. F. Osborn and G. A. Reeds.—Bull. Geol. Soc., Amer., vol. xxxiii., 1922, pp. 411-490. 4. N. O. Holst.—Geol. Mag., 1915, pp. 418, 434, 504. 5. M. C. Burkitt.—Man, 1924, 2. 6. H. G. Stehun and A. Dubois.—Eclogae Geol. Helvet., vol. xiv., 1916. M. C. Burkitt.—Prehistory, Cambridge, 1921 ; Man, 1922, 104 ; Our Forerunners, London, 1923, p. 48. A. Dubois.—Actes Soc. Helv. Sci. Nat., vol. ci., 1921, p. 99. 7. R. R. Schmidt.— Der Sirgenstein und die Diluvialen Kulturstatten Wurtembcrgs, Stuttgart, 1910. 8. Le Prehistorique Origine et Antiquite de I'Homme, 3rd ed., 1900, pp. 477, 431. 9. W. G. Smith.— Man, the Primeval Savage, Stanford, 1894. Also Essex Field Club, 1883, 1884, 1887, 1888. 10. J. S. Marr, J. R. Moir and R. A. Smith.—Peoc. Preh. Soc., E. Anglia, vol. iii., 1921, p. 353- 11. Proc. Preh. Soc., E. Anglia, vol. ii., 1915, p. 115. 12. Proc. Geol. Assoc, vol. xxxi., 1920, p. 127, and pl. ix. Supplementary Notes on the Geology of Shooter's Hill, Kent. 13. Bull. Soc. Naturalistes Moscow, 1922. 14. Proc. Preh. Soc., E. Anglia, vol. ii., 1915, p. 113. 15. A. Santer Kennard.—Proc Preh. Soc., E. Anglia, vol. ii., 1916, p. 249. 16. For a selection of the more important items relating to this problem in the voluminous continental literature, we are mainly indebted to M. C. Burkitt, Prehistory, Cambridge, 1921, p. 46 ; Proc Preh. Soc., E. Anglia, vol. iii., 1920, p. 311 ; Man, 1922, 104 ; Our Forerunners, London, 1923 ; Man, 1924, 2. 17. H. Obermaier.—Archiv, fur Anthrop, N.F., vol. xiv., 1906, p. 299 ; vol. v., 1907, p. 244 ; also particularly, M. C. Burkitt, Pre- history, 1921, p. 46. 18. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xlviii., 1892, p. 365 ; vol. 1., 1894, p.443 ; Essex Naturalist, vol. vii., 1893, p. 1 ; vol. vi., 1892, p. 96. 19. S. H. Warren.—Prehistory in Essex, 1918, p. 4 ; and Essex Nat., vol. xviii., 1917, p. 145. 20. P. G. H. Boswell and J. R. Moir.—Journ. R. Anthrop. Inst., vol. liii., 1923, p. 229. 21. The Trail is more fully described, with a section showing its festoon- ing, in a subsequently published note by J. R. Moir, Man, 1924, 14. Vide also S. H. Warren, Man, 1924, 43. 22. Miss N. F. Layard.—Proc Preh. Soc., E. Anglia, vol. iii., 1920, p. 210. 23. J. E. Marr.—Proc Preh. Soc., E. Anglia, vol. iii., 1920, p. 186. 24. S. H. Warren.—Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. lxxix., 1923, p. 606 ; also A. S. Kennard, Op. cit., p. 633, and a later paper by S. H. Warren, Essex Naturalist, vol. xxi., 1924, p. 32.