282 PLEISTOCENE CLASSIFICATIONS. 25. H. H. Arnold-Bemrose and R. M. Deeley.—Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. lii., 1896, p. 497. 26. W. H. Dalton.— Trans, and Proc. Essex Field Club, vol. ii,, 1881, p. 15 ; Essex Nat., vol. iv., 1890, p. 104. 27. Essex Nat., vol. xiii., 1904, p. 249. 28. J. French.—Essex Nat., vol. vi., 1892, p. 132. 29. Essex Nat., vol. viri., 1894, pp. 155, 219 ; E. T. Newton, Essex Nat., vol. ix., 1895, p. 16 ; T. V. Holmes, Essex Nat., vol. ix., 1895, p. 10 ; W. M. Webb, Essex Nat., vol. ix., 1895, p. 19. 30. J. W. Kenworthy.—Essex Nat., vol. xi., 1899, p. 96 ; and T. V. Holmes, Essex Nat., vol. xi., 1899, p. 121. 31. T. V. Holmes,—Essex Nat., vol. ix., 1S95, p. 115. 32. J. R. Moir.—Journ. R. Anthrop. Inst., vol. lii., 1921, p. 385 ; and The Great Flint Implements of Cromer, Ipswich, 1923. 33. Report of Committee of British Association, 1903, p. 218 ; 1904, p. 272, etc. ; G. W. Lamplugh, Address on the Interglacial Problem, Brit. Assoc. Report, 1906 ; The Memoirs of the Geological Survey. Also papers by G. W. Lamplugh, J. W. Stather and T. Sheppard, too numerous for individual mention. 34. C. Reid.— Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xlviii., 1892, p. 359, etc. Two or three separate episodes of submergence in Sussex are suggested bj L. S. Palmer and J. H. Cooke, Proc Geol. Assoc, vol. xxxiv., 1923, p. 253. For the Stone (Hants) section, see C. Reid, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xlix., 1893, p. 325. 35. A. S. Kennard.—Proc Geol. Assoc, vol. xxxiii., 1922, pp. 127-130. 36. M. A. C. Hinton.—Essex Nat., vol. xi., 1899, p. 161. I understand that the similar records of marine shells at Crayford and Grays are erroneous. 37. W. H. Dalton.—Essex Nat., vol. xv., 1908, p. 136. 38. Congr. Intern, d'Anthrop and d'Arch. Prehist., 1872. 39. Le Prehistorique Antiquite de I'Homme, 1st edition, 1883. * Addendum to "Faunal Divisions of the London Clay," by Arthur Wrigley, Proc. Geol. Assoc, vol. xxxv., p. 247.