Goodness to his People, is willing to lay down all the new Bounds of his Forests in this kingdom ; and that they shall be reduced to the same condition as they were before the late Justice Seat held." An Act of Parliament was passed " for the certainty of forests" (16 Car. I. c. 16) to give effect to this undertaking, and immediately afterwards a Perambulation of Waltham Forest was made by virtue of a Commission under the Great Seal, directed to the Earl of Warwick and forty-four other Com- missioners. In accord- ance there with, an Inquisition was taken at Stratford Lang- thorne on Wednes- day, 8th of September, 1641 (17th Charles I.) the C o m m i s s i o n e r s being "sworn and charged to inquire into the metes and bounds, which were the metes and bounds of the Forest in the 20th year