historians, until, in 1894, they were re-discovered and identified by our Vice- President, Professor R. Meldola, F.R.S., in conjunction with the late Rev. S. Coode Hore, Curate of Navestock. Prof. Meldola wrote a very interesting paper on his discoveries for the Essex Naturalist for 1895 ("The Eastern Boundary Stones of the Forest of Waltham") which was illustrated by original drawings of most of the stones by Mr. H. A. Cole. Prof. Meldola put forward a strong plea for the preservation of these relics, and at a meeting of the Essex Field Club, on May 23rd, 1908, a resolution was passed, calling the attention of the Essex County Council to the matter. Agreeing to the Club's recommendations, on July 7th, 1908, the Council passed the following Resolution :— " That the County Council bear the cost (not exceeding £100) of re-fixing, railing in, and preserving the ancient Boundary Stones of Waltham Forest, subject to the Essex Field Club locating the same and carrying out the work." A Committee was empowered to act, consisting of our President Mr. Dymond, Prof. Meldola (Chairman), Mr. David Howard, Mr. Miller Christy, Prof. Coker, Mr. H. A. Cole, Messrs. W. and B. G. Cole (Hon. Secretaries), and Mr. J. E. Savidge, was appointed Engineer. The present meeting is held to inspect the re-erected memorials. One stone restored by the Committee (the "Forest Bounds Stone") is not mentioned in the Perambulation of 1641, although entered on the old maps, and it may