THE FUNGI OF EPPING FOREST. 3 ABBREVIATIONS. C=common. U=uncommon. R=rare. These marks of frequency refer to the South-East of England. Good edible species are marked E. Poisonous species are marked P. The mark S = suspect, and is used for species which have caused trouble, though usually not of a serious nature. Species without a mark are harmless but of little or no culinary value BASIDIOMYCETES. HYMENOMYCETAE. Fam. AGARICACEAE. Subfam. Leucosporae. Gen. AMANITA (Pers.) Fr. Liberae. C P Amanita Phalloidei (Vaill.) Fr. U P ,, ,, var. verna (Bull.) Fr. Semilimbatae Gilbert. C Amanita mappa (Batsch.) Fr. U ,, porphyria (A. & S.) Fr. FLOCCOSAE Gilbert. C P Amanita muscaria (Linn.) Fr. U E ,, solitaria (Bull.) Fr. U P ,, pantherina (D.C.) Fr C E ,, spissa Fr. C E ,, rubescens (Pers.) Fr. U ,, aspera (? Fr.) Quel. Gen. AMANITOPSIS Roze. C E Amanitopsis vaginata (Bull.) Roze, U E ,, nivalis (Grev.) Rea. C E ,, fulva (Schaeff.) W. G. Smith. U E ,, inaurata (Secr.) Boud. Gen. LEPIOTA (Pers.) Fr. Procerae Fr. C E Lepiota procera (Scop.) Fr. U E ,, excoriata (Schaeff) Fr. U E ,, gracilenta (Kromb.) IT. C E ,, rachodes (Vitt.) Fr. R E ,, naucina Fr. Echinatae Fayod. U ,, acutesquamosa (Weinm.) Fr. Fusisporae Lange. U E ,, clypeolaria (Bull.) Fr. R ,, erminea ET.