Acknowledgements Some sixty people contributed records to this survey. Several of these provided only a single record whilst others sent in many more. I thank them all for their time and trouble and whilst it is not possible to name them all, I should particularly like to mention those who made significant contributions. Ray Ruffell surveyed the north west of the County virtually single handed and sent in hundreds of records. It is true to say that the survey would have been far less complete without his efforts. Jeremy Heath of Colchester Museums, kindly allowed me access to much written material which provided the basis for the historical chapter, whilst Roger Payne from Southend Museums Service, Biological Records Centre, and Colin Plant from Passmore Edwards Museum, Biological Records Centre, Stratford, have provided me with much needed records for these areas. My brother-in-law, John Widgery, from across the border in Hertfordshire, has provided me with many recent records, which I hope was partially what inspired him to undertake the recording of the Orthoptera of that County. He has since taken over the responsibilities of National Orthoptera Recorder from Chris Haes. Members of the Colchester Natural History Society were inadvertently responsible for the probable over-recording of north east Essex as some of the distribution maps suggest. In particular I should like to thank the following individuals for their contributions: Dave Baker Dave Martin Ted Benton Ian Rose Jerry Bowdrey Kate Rowland Chris Gibson Terri Tarpey Peter Harvey Doris Wire Lisa Hooper In addition I should like to thank Terri Tarpey for producing the maps and for other assistance on production and Peter Harvey for supplying data for map production. The maps were produced using DMAP © Dr Alan Morton. Finally, my thanks to Ray Ruffell and Lisa Hooper for providing many helpful comments on the text and to Chris Haes, until recently the National Recorder for Orthoptera who provided me with valuable information whenever I requested it, as well as making a financial contribution towards the cost of this publication. Page 4