PHOTOGRAPHIC & PICTORIAL SURVEY & RECORD OF ESSEX. Patron . The Right Hon. Lord Rayleigh. President: Miller Christy, F.L.S. (President of the Essex Field Club). Council: John Avery. David Howard, J.P.. F.I.C. F. J. Brand. Rev. W. S. Lach-Szyrma, M.A. A. E. Briscoe, B.Sc. Professor Meldola, F.R.S., Pres. C.S. B. G. Cole. F. W. Reader. Rev. T. H. Curling, B.A. Thos. W. Reader, F.G.S. F. G. Emler. F. W. Rudler, I.S.O., F.G.S. I. Chalkley Gould. J. C Shenstone, F.L.S. A. F. Hogg, M.A. j. Williams. Horace Wilmer, F.R.P.S. Treasurer: Curator: W. C. Waller, F.S.A. W. Cole, F.L.S. Hon. Secretary: Victor Taylor. This Association was founded 17th December 1904, by the Essex Field Club for the purpose of gathering a permanent collec- tion of photographs, engravings, sketches, and pictures of objects of interest, as well as maps, plans, and other documents, selected with a view of giving a comprehensive pictorial history of the County of Essex, and the neighbouring rivers and sea. The importance and interest of collecting records of this kind, and especially of photographs showing the changing social, biolo- gical, and physical conditions of a district, has been recognised by the formation of the National Record Association and of similar societies in various counties, and very considerable success has rewarded the endeavours of these associations. It is hoped and anticipated that equal success will be achieved in Essex. The general scope of the scheme upon which the Survey is working was set out by Mr. A. E. Briscoe in a paper published in the Essex Naturalist (vol. xiii, pp. 1-5), and since reprinted. To this, and to the official Prospectus, the reader is referred. The collections acquired are being stored in cabinets at the Essex Museum, so as to be readily accessible to the public and to students, on application to the Curator. A set of the 6-inch Ordnance Maps of Essex has been purchased to aid the work. Assistance is asked for both by way of Annual Subscriptions, which should be sent direct to Mr. W. C. Waller, F.S.A., Loughton, to defray the necessary expenses, and also in securing the services of amateur Photographers in Essex and elsewhere, who may be willing to help by gifts in kind. Subscriptions for 1906 were due on 1st January. PROSPECTUSES (containing the Rules and Bye-laws of the Survey) and full information may be had from the Hon. Secretary, Mr. VICTOR TAYLOR, Hurstleigh, Buckhurst Hill, Essex. Photographs, prints, and other objects should be sent addressed to him at the Essex Museum of Natural History, Romford Road, Stratford, Essex.