ABSTRACT OF RULES RELATING TO MEMBERSHIP OF THE CLUB. N.B.—The Secretaries will be pleased io send full text of the Rules, together with copy of the Agreement with the Corporation of West Ham, to enquirers. Title and Objects. I.—The Society shall be called "The Essex Field Club." Its Head- quarters shall be in the County of Essex and its objects shall be the study and investigation of the Natural History, Geology, and Archaeeology of the County of Essex (special attention being given to the Fauna, Flora, Geology, and Antiquities of Epping Forest) ; the publication of the results of such investigations; the formation of a Library; the formation of a Museum, with or without local branches; and the dissemination of information on Natural Science and Antiquities. Constitution. II.—The Club shall consist of Ordinary and Honorary Members and Associates, including Ladies; the number of Ordinary Members being un- limited, the number of Honorary Members being limited to twenty-five, and the number of Associates being limited to five. Annual Subscription. X.—The Annual Subscription for Ordinary Members, with the excep- tion of Associates specially mentioned and provided for in Rule XI, shall be a minimum of fifteen shillings, payable immediately after their election, with an Entrance Fee of 10s. 6d.,* and afterwards becoming due in advance on the first day of January in each year. Provided, nevertheless, that any two or more Members of the same family, who reside in the same house, and are willing to receive between them only one copy of the Club's Publications, may become Ordinary Members of the Club, and shall enjoy ail the privileges of Membership (except that they shall receive between them only one copy of the Club's Publications, as above) in return for the usual Entrance Fee in respect of each Member (in the case of new Members), and a joint Annual Subscription of One Guinea for the first two Members and Six Shillings annually for each additional Member. Members elected within two months before the thirty-first day of December shall be exempt from payment of subscription for the year in which they are elected, but shall not be entitled to receive the publica- tions of the Club issued during that year without payment. Life-Membership. XIII.—Any Ordinary Member may compound for his or her Annual Subscription by a single payment of £10 10s.; all such sums to be dealt with as the Council shall think fit. Privileges of Membership. XIV.—Every Member shall have the privilege of attending all the Annual, Ordinary, and Field Meetings of the Club, and of introducing one visitor at any such Meeting (who shall enter his or her name, with that of the Member by whom he or she is introduced, in a book kept for that purpose), and shall be entitled to receive a copy of any publica- tion of the Club, other than the "Essex Naturalist," at such reduced rate as may be determined by the Council; and to the use of the Library and Museum, in accordance with the regulations. * At a Meeting on March 27th 1897, it was agreed, " That the entrance-fee be suspended as from the 1st January 1897, for such time as the Council may consider necessary," 16